Friday, July 23, 2010


Thursday, June 10, 2010


MC donalds recalls Toxic Shrek glassware

Interesting reponse by Alice Terpstr inthe toronto Star:-
"...So why is our drinking ter being dosed, as per Health Canada's firm recomendation, with flouridation chemicals that contain it? Cadmium, lead and arsenic are allowable contaminants of the phosphate fertiliser factory scrubber waste promoted as magic tooth madicne in tap water.
I smell a credibiity gap."

Friday, May 21, 2010

And the nominees are...

Golden cockroach for Worst Landlord nominations are in.

Will update when particulars for landlords for buildings are hammered out

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Glad I missed this spout of asshattery

Apparently, Ann Coulter was touring Canada on speaking engagements, and the one in the nation's capital got shut down...

While real-life things were preoccupying my time, I'm not sorry that passed my radar.

I'll just link ya to another blogger; that's says enough for where my cynicism meter goes.

I mean, really...

Things that make you go "hmmm..." Over at Runesmith, comments section:- "Why doesn't everyone simply ignore this hag instead of giving her the very thing she (and Levant) wants - the publicity of controversy. AC has fallen on tough times. According to the CBC's Neil MacDonald, she can barely command a $10,000 appearance fee which, in the US, is chump change. That's how Levant was able to get her to come up here at all."

"Cheap price tag for revitalising one's brand."

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Burger King commercial capitalized "on some of those most negative stereotypes of people with mental illnesses"

Burger King has sparked the ire of mental health advocates with a commercial depicting its King mascot as "crazy."

The behavior exhibited by the "crazy" King in the commercial "would be rare and those kinds of stereotypes perpetuate discrimination against people with mental illnesses and stimulate fears," Shern said.
