Friday, May 29, 2009

Toronto tenants link now Ontario

Yahoo's taking a beating; Geocities is going to be pushing up daisies soon, and this resourceful link has moved.

Plus Bob's got more goodies over there than you can shake a stick at.

Check links at left


City Hall Re: Rooming houses. Asking for a new zoning, 23rd of June 10 a.m. Committee room #1

Next PTA meeting

Next Parkdale Tenants Assoc'n meeting:-

June 11th, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009


And just what the !@$ is happening over at CKLN?

Turned on the radio to the dial, and heard dead air...

Talked with a couple persons and they're concerned about the programming...

...finding out Black Krishna's no longer over there...

Demo, June 13th

Summer's around the corner, no excuse to stay indoors, let the demos begin!

Good Jobs For All

It's Time
-To fix E.I.
-To protect pensions
-For strong public services
-To put people before banks

Saturday, June 13th, 1pm
Metro Hall, downtown Toronto at King & John
Rally starts at 1:00 pm.m. march to follow
Bring flags, noisemakers, family & friends

Meeting -May 30th

Saturday, May 30th Parkdale Public Library. Speaking to Gord Perks.


Well, it's back.

Probably won't be gone again.

Should take a few months, but it'll get back on the radar.

New back-end code as well; all the pretty stuff I had customized, poofta?


Oh, well. Here we go.